Saturday, November 28, 2009

How it feels like a MOM to be

It's been 6 month I get married, and close to 7 month I get pregnant. Wait... Don't think I get pregnant out of my marriage :D. We should count like this, for the pregnancy, each month can count as 4 weeks. But my marriage count according to month in the calendar. June, July, August... November.

In the first month of my pregnancy, I feels like every time I want to "burp" even I tried to drink a lot or I try to hold my breath. Then, I try google search is it a sign that I'm getting pregnant now? Then the result say, 'yes, you are right'. Then I bought one test pack. The first result is "vague". I try to buy another test pack and test on on the week that I should get my period. And the result is 'I am positive pregnant'. At that morning, I wake my husband up. Then told him that I am pregnant.

Searching a doctor in the first month is quite confusing. We try to find an OBGyn doctor in RSIB. She said I am positive pregnant but there's a "cyst" in my womb also. So she called it pregnant with a cyst. We confused what to do at that time. Perhaps I will need some operation to waste the cyst. So we search another doctor in Pondok Indah. She also said I am pregnant with a cyst with diameter 6 cm. She ask us to have a look in the next month. If the cyst getting bigger, maybe in the age 4 month of my pregnancy, I might will get an operation.

I tried to eat some good food by cooking myself. Then we come to the doctor in the next month, they said my cyst has gone. It's a fortune for my family. We was so happy then.

Day by day, I passed my morning sickness until in the 4 month pregnancy. Do you know, in the first trismester of my pregnancy, I feel like a doggy for my scent. Every scent that I don't like I will feel nausea. Also, I don't like to eat chicken. All I want to eat is meat and sea food. It has gone away now.

In the week of 18, I felt my baby moving. Do you know, I was so happy and I always ask my husband to talk with the baby since he is in my womb. He or she it doesn't matter for us. We only know, we will becoming a parents.

I read a lot of reference like how to be a good parents or how to treat a baby in the mailing list, forum or magazine. "Ya Allah, bantu aku agar amanah sejak engkau titipkan dia dirahimku", that is inspiring me from the book of Asma Nadia.

People may change. I dream about having a funny little smart baby next year.

Semoga abi dan bunda bisa memberikan yang terbaik buat kamu sayang...

little white daisy

Monday, April 13, 2009

Upcoming life

Udah lama ngga ngupdate blog ini. Mungkin karena ritual sehari-hari.
Sometimes I miss my life when I was in university.
Aku mencintai pekerjaanku, tetapi aku belum bisa merasa puas dengan semuanya.
Kadang aku berfikir, there's something missing in my life. But, there's another life that must goes on.
Aku ngga bisa kumpul, kongkow-kongkow lagi dengan teman-temanku seperti jaman kuliah dulu.
Pulang kosan udah malam, dan saat weekend saatnya istirahat atau mengerjakan hal-hal yang lain yang lebih penting...
Kalau jalan-jalan ke tempat adik di Depok, rasanya aku ingin dan sangat ingin sekali kembali ke jaman kuliah lagi. Seperti dulu... Ngga ada kejar target, bebas untuk berfikir, you own the freedom...
Dia, lelaki yang dalam waktu dekat insya Allah akan menjadi pasangan hidupku, sangat baik sekali... Dia memberiku pandangan hidup untuk terus belajar. Dia support agar aku meneruskan kuliah ku sampai ke gelar master atau bahkan doktor seperti cita-citanya.
Banyak hal yang harus di pertimbangkan untuk sekolah lagi. Salah satunya biaya. Gengsi rasanya untuk minta dibayarin sama orang tua. Hal lainnya adalah tempat. Aku belum bisa jauh-jauh dari kamu "Yang..." Aku lebih ingin kamu yang meneruskan sekolah... There's something that I should think twice in my mind.
My life now focus on the up coming wedding. Banyak hal yang harus dipersiapkan. Tapi insya Allah, semuanya hampir rampung. Mudah-mudahan after our wedding, we find the new colour of our life. Rezeki dilimpahkan oleh yang di Atas. Bukankah ada hadist yang bilang begini, Menikahlah, maka engkau akan kaya. Atau tepatnya artinya seperti ini
: nikahkanlah orang-orang yang masih sendirian di antara kamu, sesungguhnya Allah akan memperbaiki akhlak mereka, meluaskan rezeki mereka, dan menambah keluhuran mereka.
Sometimes I think I can't hardly wait for the wedding day. Aku sayang kamu "Yang.." Makasiii banget udah support aku untuk semuanya... You've been like my boyfriend and also my bestfriend. You've been like the consultant of my life.

little white daisy